Her second book, A Prisoner of Versailles (Darkness to Light Novels)
Welcome, Golden, has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
I read more now than I used to.
Other than the Bible, what is your all time favorite book?
The Scarlet Letter
Without a doubt “The Red Shoes.” I was about 7 or 8 years old, and I came home from the movie, set up our kitchen chairs in a row and tried to leap from one to one. Of course, that resulted in quite a crash!
I’m not quite sure why it had such an impact on me. It is such a beautiful, tragic film. It planted a love for ballet in my heart that continues to this day. I never was a dancer, but one of our daughters has her degree in dance and taught dance for years.
What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
“The Help”
Did you like it?
Loved it.
Who was with you?
My husband, our oldest daughter and one of our twin grandsons.
What snacks did you eat?Nothing.
What are you currently reading?Ted Dekker’s Immanuel’s Veins
What is your favorite genre for personal reading pleasure?
Historical fiction
They say what a person would take from a burning building tells a lot about them. If you could only save one thing (nothing living) from your home, what would that be?We actually had to evacuate because of a forest fire when we lived in the southern Rockies in 1996. We grabbed photo albums, our Bibles, silver, records, etc. If that happened today, I would grab my laptop. It has my life on it!
Please tell us five random things we might not know about you.
- I’m legally blind in my left eye.
- I have a secret desire to be a ballerina.
- I detest oysters.
- I alphabetize my canned goods in the pantry.
- I studied classical piano for 10 years.
What other books have you written, whether published or not? A Bible study book, “The Wise Woman Builds.” The Darkness To Light series: “In The Shadow Of The Sun King,” “Prisoner Of Versailles,” “Where Hearts Are Free.”
How do you organize your writing day?
I write in the mornings and work on marketing and other stuff in the afternoons. If I’m on deadline, I divide the word count between the days I have to accomplish the goal, and I discipline myself to get that amount done.
What facet of the writing craft comes easiest to you?Creating story. It plays out in my mind’s eye, and I write it down.
What is the hardest thing about writing?If you mean about writing itself, that would be adding depth to characters. If you mean what is the hardest thing about being a writer, it would be marketing.
If you were the casting director for the film version of your novel, who would play your lead roles?
For the heroine, Amanda Belle, I’ve chosen Clare Danes.
The hero, Kent Littlefield – Jim Caviezel.
For Amanda’s brother, Daniel, Ryan Gosling would be perfect.
Tell us about the story of His Steadfast Love (Darkness to Light)
The Civil War—a defining time of great sacrifice, change, and betrayal which will determine the fate of the Nation. It isn’t until it comes into her very home that Amanda Belle must face impossible choices of love, loss, and loyalty.
It's the spring of 1861 on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Although Amanda never thought she would marry because of a promise to her dying mother to take care of her siblings, her attraction to Captain Kent Littlefield is undeniable.
When Texas secedes from the Union, her brother Daniel marches off to war to fight for the Confederate States, and Kent remains with the Union troops.
Her heart is torn between the two men she loves and the two sides of the conflict. When she turns to God for help, Amanda expects direction and support, but hears nothing. Is God listening to her anymore? Where is God in the atrocities of war—and whose side is He on?
Amanda senses her life is at a turning point. But she must trust God to bring her family through the chaos that threatens her home, her family, and the beloved state of Texas… with her heart, and her faith, intact.
Web site: www.goldenkeyesparsons.com
Blog: www.goldenkeyesparsons.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Golden-Keyes-Parsons-Fan-Page/112456122123008
Twitter: twitter.com/Golden K Parsons
Golden, thank you for stopping by and sharing with us.
To have the possibility to receive a copy of His Steadfast Love (Darkness to Light)
leave a comment with your email (name at domain name dot com). To make it a little more fun, go to Golden's or web site and find out something of interest that is different from all other comments about Golden or one of her characters. Giveaway closes Sunday, November 27, 2011 at midnight (CST). Only US postal codes.If you're reading this on Feedburner, Facebook, or Amazon please come to www.AJHawke.blogspot.com to leave your comments.
To have the possibility to receive a copy of His Steadfast Love (Darkness to Light)
leave a comment with your email (name at domain name dot com). To make it a little more fun, go to Golden's or web site and find out something of interest that is different from all other comments about Golden or one of her characters. Giveaway closes Sunday, November 27, 2011 at midnight (CST). Only US postal codes.If you're reading this on Feedburner, Facebook, or Amazon please come to www.AJHawke.blogspot.com to leave your comments.
Please sign me up! I would love to read this book! I love anything Civil War.
srstormo at yahoo dot com
I loved The Help. Great movie!
I also detest oysters. Shudder!!!
Although I'm very organized, I've never alphabetized my canned goods. We raised four boys, so they would have never stayed in order anyhow.
Your new book sounds wonderful. I'd love to read it.
fictionfan1 at me dot com
I love Civil War historical novels. Please enter me. Not sure if I've ever read a book of your yet.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
This looks like a wonderful book! Count me in!
I've hopped over and back from Golden's website and brought back a treat: http://www.bookclubcookbook.com/RecipeGoldenKeyesParsons.htm
Moravian Sugar Cake!
Thanks for sharing this interview, A.J. I certainly learned a lot about Golden. I have my own memories of The Red Shoe.
My favorite part of the Q&A was 'alphabetizing canned goods'!
I'd love to be in the drawing as I'm following Golden around cyberspace. I'm thrilled to know there's a Civil War novel available!
debraemarvin (at) yahoooo.
thanks ladies!
I love the marriage tips on your blog, the toothpaste illustration is very powerful.
Texas and the Civil War make for a fascinating setting for His Steadfast Love. I'd love to be entered.
I will be going back to Golden's blog to read more of her godly counsel on marriage.
worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com
Thanks for dropping by and leaving comments! I'm so encouraged by your positive words ... and about the marriage blog. These blogs are actually from a book that got into committee in a couple of houses, but, alas, no contract! I receive comments regularly that people are reading it, but no one is leaving comments! I find that interesting.
Debra, I'm doing Loseit.com again. Arrgghh! Still struggling to get these last 5 pounds off.
I loved doing the research and writing "His Steadfast Love." I wouldn't mind writing a sequel to it.
Blessings for a wonderful weekend.
Golden, I enjoyed your interview with A.J. Though I've heard of you, after the interview I feel as if I know you.
Historicals are my favorites, the Civil war my favorite era. Sure would love to win a copy of "His Steadfast Love." The blurb lured me in.
I, too, would rather write than market. Arrrgh!
Here's my email in case I win. "Pick me! Pick me! (LOL) landtbeth@yahoo.com
Pssst! I have a personal question. How did you get your name? Is it the name your parents gave you? Your pen name?
a wonderful posting...and website, golden.
thanks for the opportunity to read this wonderful story.
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
5lbs. You'd think it would be so easy. 5 lbs. I lost them, put them right back on, so I guess I didn't put them far enough away! Oh well.
And now...who can start a diet regimen again with the holidays coming up?
My goal is to not GAIN, right?
Besides, you look mahvelous!
I would love to be entered to win Golden's book. I absolutely LOVE Civil War stories.
I also visited Golden's web page and found that she resides in Waco, TX. I have an old family friend that lives in Waco. We spent two weeks in Waco, many years ago and loved it...it rained every day and I was able to read more books then I have ever read in one two week period.
Thank you for the chance to win Golden's book.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
This sounds a great book! Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT com
Ah, yes, my name. That's one of my regular FAQ's. Believe it or not, it is my real name. My maiden name was "Keyes" and my dad, who was a newspaper editor, thought it would be fun. My birth announcement read, "Announcing the first publication of the Keyes Publishing Company." Hmmm, prophetic perhaps?
I don't have a middle name. My parents always intended that I would use "Keyes" as my middle name when I married. I never did until I was published. I thought it sounded too pretentious. But with the publication of my first novel, my editor and agent both agreed that we should use all three names.
Thanks for asking. :)
Golden, I'd love to read you. Thanks so much for the chance to win your book!
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