Her work has appeared in national publications, such as Guideposts, Heritage Quest Magazine, Romantic Times Book Reviews, and The Military Trader. She serves as the in-house Publicist at Hartline Literary Agency. Jennifer graduated from Elon University with a B.A. in Journalism. When she isn't writing, she enjoys spending time with family, long walks, traveling, touring historical sites, hanging out at bookstores with coffee shops, genealogy, and reading.
If time and money did not enter in the equation, what would be your dream?
If time and money did not enter in the equation, what would be your dream?
To spend several months traveling and touring through Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. I would want to take my time and enjoy all the historical and famous places I've heard about.
If you could only take five books with you on a journey of ten years, which ones would you take?My Bible, Redeeming Love, Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, and Persuasion.
What would you be doing with your free time if you weren’t writing?Reading as many novels as possible and watching more TV.
What movie most impacted you as a kid? Why?The life of Jesus. After watching that movie I couldn't stop crying and my mom led me through the prayer of salvation.
What was the last movie you saw in a theatre? Did you like it? Who was with you? What snacks did you eat?Monte Carlo with my daughter, Celina. We ate popcorn and twizzlers.
What are you currently reading? What is your favorite genre for personal reading pleasure?A Hope Undaunted by Julie Lessman and Mine is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs. My favorite genre is definitely historical Christian fiction--what I write.
What is the last book you read that moved you? What caused that powerful emotional experience?I think it was Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs.
What is your favorite season of the year? Why?
Autumn. I love the beautiful fall colors and the nip in the air before it gets too cold. It's also the season I was born in--the day before Halloween.
Who's your one biggest fan/supporter of your writing?
My husband. I've tried to get him to read other authors, but he says he can't get through them, but he reads mine, brainstorms with me and gives me great feedback.
What is your favorite period (genre) to write in?
1800's, but I like to read everything.
Is there any person who has been a strong influence in your Christian walk?
My mother.
If you could live anywhere on the planet where would you live? Why?
I think a condo on the beach on the 7th-10th floor would suit me just fine. I've always loved it when I take such vacations on North and South Carolina beaches.
What is the most fun thing you have ever done?
I really enjoyed para sailing over the ocean.
Other than the Bible, what is your all time favorite book?
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
What other books have you written, whether published or not?
Highland Blessings was my debut novel and the sequel Highland Sanctuary comes out Oct 1st. I'm a contributing author on two novellas releasing in January and February 2012. One is Highland Crossings and the other is Quakers of New Garden.
Please tell us five random things we might not know about you.
1)I hate bananas. 2)I have to sleep in socks no matter how hot. 3)I hated coffee in my twenties and I grew to love it in my thirties. 4)I was the cause of them shutting down the ski chair lift in Boone, NC because I froze in fear and couldn't jump off of it and got stuck when it kept moving on. They had to come get me down. 5)I like visiting cemeteries and reading about the lives on the tombstones, especially if they were my ancestors.
Who would you say are your readers?
The youngest reader that I'm aware of is a 9 year old girl and the oldest is a 101 year old lady. I've had several men write me who also read my work. I guess my readers are people who enjoy historical Christian fiction with a mixture of romance, faith with mystery and suspense.
Tell me about the story of Highland Sanctuary.
Gavin MacKenzie, a chieftain heir who is hired to restore the ancient Castle of Braigh, discovers a hidden village of outcasts who have created their own private sanctuary from the world. Among them is Serena Boyd, a mysterious and comely lass, who captures Gavin’s heart in spite of harboring a deadly past that could destroy her future.
The villagers happen to be keeping an intriguing secret as well. When a fierce enemy launches an attack against them, greed leads to bitter betrayal. As Gavin prepares a defense, the villagers unite in a bold act of faith, showing how God’s love is more powerful than any human force on earth.
Web site: www.jenniferhudsontaylor.com
Jennifer, thank you for stopping by and sharing with us.
Web site: www.jenniferhudsontaylor.com
Blog: www.jenniferswriting.blogspot.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/JenniferHudsonTaylor
Twitter: twitter.com/jt4novels
Jennifer, thank you for stopping by and sharing with us.
To have the possibility to receive a copy of Highland Sanctuary
leave a comment with your email (name at domain name dot com). To make it a little more fun, go to Jennifer's blog or web site and find out something of interest that is different from all other comments about Jennifer or one of her characters. Giveaway closes Sunday, October 2, 2011 at midnight (CST). Only US postal codes.If you're reading this on Feedburner, Facebook, or Amazon please come to www.AJHawke.blogspot.com to leave your comments.
Hi Jennifer. Congrats on your new book! What a great thing you and your husband have, being able to share your stories and bounce ideas off of him!
srstormo at yahoo dot com
I loved this posting/interview. Thanks for the opportunity to read you latest novel...I loved your first one :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Jennifer and AJ -- great interview, guys!!
And GREAT book!!! LOVED endorsing it, Jen!!
Hi Jennifer, Enjoyed your interview and like you I would love the opportunity to spend several months traveling and taking in the historical and famous places in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. There is so much to see of their history in these 4 countries. I love suspense and romance. Have your
1st release on my wish list and can't wait to read your latest.
Thanks for stopping by to chat and share. Congratulations on your latest release..
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
GOT to jump in here-- Great interview; and I would love to read this book!
I have a dear friend who is a MacDougal, and the castle pictured on the front cover looks very similar to the MacDougal clan castle!
I have the first Highland book and this would be a beautiful addition. Thanks, ladies--and blessings!
Great interview. Looking forward to reading Jennifer's next book on Kindle so don't enter me. Thanks, AJ and Jennifer for this post!
Loved the interview :)
Looks like a great book.
I'm a fan of Francine River's Redeeming Love too :)
crazi.swans at gmail dot com
Enjoyed your first book. Your second book has been on my wishlist for some time. Would love to win. Thanks for the giveaway.
arsmelser6 at gmail dot com
I am so excited to see Jennifer has another book coming out, I loved Highland Blessings... I still think of how it touched my heart, it really stayed with me! Please include me in the drawing for Highland Sanctuary.
worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com
Salena, Yes, my husband is a wonderful blessing and gift from the Lord.
Miss Kallie, Wouldn't a leisure trip across Europe be wonderful? A dream come true for me...
Julie, Thank you! It's a true blessings to have you say that.
Karen, Amy, Merry, Thanks for letting me know how much you liked my first book, Highland Blessings. I pray the second book will be just as enlightening. Blessings,
Faye, Redeeming Love is one of those books that I still think about from time to time.
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