
If you enjoy the the wind on your face and open sky before you, you have come to a good place to find the romance and flavor of the West.

Finding Jeena by Miralee Ferrell

This novel hit a little too close to home, the home of secret fears. The fear of getting so wrapped up in things that I lose sight of what is truly important. The fear that choices of boyfriends are not always wise. The fear that the job, the credit cards, the house, everything could go away and I’m left looking for a woman’s shelter to take me in. This is what happens to Jeena in Miralee Ferrell’s latest novel. A view into the world of what happens when everything is gone and one has to depend on the kindness of strangers for food and shelter. Even when the circumstances are not one’s own fault, consequences can still happen. How does one cope and how can one rebuild?

I recommend Finding Jeena: A Novel.

Will have an interview with Miralee Ferrell soon. What questions do you have for her? Leave them in the comments.

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I love the wind in my face, the open sky before me, the romance and flavor of the West, but, most of all, our loving and living God, who created it all. I love how He works out His plans in the realm of human events, which is His Story. I have been blessed with a gift: a compulsion to write Historical and present-day novels set in the American West that demonstrate His power to transform ordinary people into true heroes and heroines. I am just a scribe really. I find the joy of participating in the creation of inspirational fiction indescribable. May our Lord Jesus Christ receive all of the credit and be glorified.

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